Kijik Corporation was founded with 259 original shareholders. Today the corporation has grown to include over 520 shareholders, many of which still reside in the village of Nondalton. Many of our shareholders and their descendants practice a traditional subsistence lifestyle of hunting, fishing and foraging on our land. While some shareholders have relocated outside of the region, many continue to return to the village each summer and fall to continue our subsistence activities, a tradition that has endured for centuries.
Shareholder Information
Kijik Corporation utilizes services provided by Bristol Bay Native Corporation to maintain our shareholder information including name, address, contact information and records and stock.
Burial Assistance Form
Kijik Corporation provides financial assistance to original shareholders to support funeral and burial expenses. Contact Kijik Corporation for questions.
Scholarship Programs – Qizhjeh Heritage Institute
Through Kijik’s Non-profit organization, Qizhjeh Heritage Institute, Kijik shareholders and descendants are eligible to apply for scholarships to fund educational, post-secondary and vocational training opportunities.
New scholarship deadline is June 28th 2024. See announcements for deadline updates. Instructions, eligibility and submission instructions are provided in the application (link below)